
A Third Part Review of Jusuru - The Next Revolutionary Juice

This is a third party Review. We are not distributors for Jusuru and this is strictly a research and Review Article. When you finish this article you'll have a good grasp of what this Start led lights Up MLM is all about and you'll be able to make an educated decision about the opportunity. I got up to a beautiful Iphone 4s Dock And Cable morning and the orange and red leavs were falling from the Canadian trees I click send/receive and there are about 15 new messages about a groundbreaking MLM business opportunityIf you are like me and have been around the MLM block a few times you will get a little frustrated with all the hype of a revolutionary this and ground breaking that email. I opened an email from a guy that I've known for a while and to be honest someone that has jumped MLM ship quite a few times since I .I had to laugh a bit when I opened it up to see "Toby & Layla You Are Not Going to Believe This. I have Found the One". Immediately I thought, has he not learned anything in all this time. Moving from one company to the next is never going to get them anywhere near success. Picture it this way, how do you want to start a fire with a magnifying glass? You keep it steady. You have to keep a consistent and focused control over the heat. Your MLM success is identical.Anyway before I go rambling on about that subject let's get back to what we were reviewing Jusuru.WHO is Jusuru?Beverage business. Japan and adding a few scientific properties. They claim to be a juice like no other that will revolutionize everything.What is Jusuru?Jusuru is a health beverage designed to promote a healthy life style and over all health and well being.The new MLM Start up has patended their concoction of antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids and vitamins and minerals. What a unique concept.Is Jusuru a Scam?Jusuru is definitely no scam. Whether it's a smart business decision is another matter. industry. It is a legitimate Home Based Business.About Jusuru's Comp Plan.For those that know comp plans, Jusuru has a Unilevel structure. There are nine ways to get paid. Here's a simple explaination straight from the Jusuru site.9 Methods of Earning1. DIRECT SALES : Get a 30% commission on ever bottle sold. 2. PREFERRED CUSTOMER BONUS : By enrolling in the Preferred Customer Program retail price and up to 1% of the entire company's total product sales volume. 3. FAST START BONUS : For all the distributors that you personally bring into the business you get 20% on all of their sales, and three levels below, for the first 60 days of their enrollment.4. TEAM COMMISSIONS : Earn up to 5% commission on the sales volume generated by each distributor in 5. ENROLLER BONUS : Earn 5% on sales volume when any distributor you personally sponsored places .6. TURBO INFINITY BONUS : If the sales qualify you can earn upto 3% on the volume of your whole team.7. LEADER CHECK MATCH : When you become a leader you earn a leader check match of as much as 25% in your organization, with no depth limitations. 8. LEADERSHIP POOLS : The leadership pools give you extra income and incentives.9. CAR BONUS : As a top leader, earn a luxury car in which you can share your Jusuru experience with others.Is Jusuru the company you should choose?We can't tell you what to do. It's not anyone else's choice. It's something you'll have to decide for yourself. business side of it. All I can do is tell you a few reasons why I chose not to join Jusuru.1. There's little uniqueness. How would Jusuru be any different from the other juices claiming the same things? 2. Since 9 out of 10 new Home based businesses don't make it past their second birthday I suggest looking at companies that are old enough to have worked out the kinks but still new enough so there is money to be earned.3. We didn't see any MLM Big Names have jumped on board with them. That's not an extremely important issues but we usually see there is normally one "big player" being a founding member in one start up or .To wrap this all up we apologize if you've decided to go with Jusuru and now you're upset. Don't get mad, just make us wrong. Just make sure if you're considering any new MLM company to do some research.. Be sure to think of it like a professional business and decide on a product and company that you can truly believe in and one you would actually use yourself

