
MLM Sales Synopsis of Efficient MLM Sales Methods

MLM sales Methods have changed over time. Strategies that were very standard and that were very effective in former times do not necessarily work for the masses today. In this article we will explore some of those methods of the past and compare them with what actually works in todays market.MLM Sales Technique of YesterdayIn the past, the predominant techniques used by mlm sales marketers were: Warm Market Prospecting. - This included trying to sway your friends, family and other close contacts to join you in your home business opportunity. Many individuals have developed vast groups by implementing and teaching this method. The drawback however is that In most cases your friends and family are not good business contacts and will typically do nothing after they sign up. When they fall short and lose their money they will blame the one who exposed them to this..."YOU" To all intents and puspose many personal relationships are ruined over this approach.Cold Market Prospecting: This consists of obtaining and calling biz-op seeker leads, hanging out in Malls and bookstores and presenting your business to any person who comes in close proximity to you (3foot rule) , going through the phonebook and randomly calling people about your biz op. The drawbacks of these approaches are massive amounts of rejection. Yu can be succcessful here if you have tough skin but the majority of people can not take the amount of rejection that is recieved by this method of prospecting.While some do succeed using the aforementioned methods the overall success rate is a dismal 3%-5%.A Better Way of Doing Things.The MLM Sales technique that I am about to share has helped top 1-3% earners in many mlm companies dominate the leader boards of their respective mlm companies. Online Attraction marketing RevealedAt present the networkers that are growing their Iphone 4s Stylus Pen business the fastest are employing online attraction marketing methods. Like a moth to a flame or a bee to honey… These marketers posture themselves in a way that is attractive to their prospects and have their prospects chasing and hunting them down instead of the other way around. They utilize the largest medium around (The Internet) to promote themselves and provide solutions to troubles that their prospects may be having. By leading with value 1st and not pitching a business, they are seen as a trusted and valued source of information. When the time is right and they recommend their business the prospects are happy to follow their suggestion. This strategy has enabled a few led light bulbs savvy marketers to build huge businesses at a time when 97% of other reps are failing. Automated MLM Sales FunnelsA key component of a successful attraction marketing system is having several Automated MLM Sales funnels. These funnels comprise of the following1)Keyword specific content2)Custom Capture pages3)AutorespondersYou can have inexhaustible mlm Sales funnels set up all over the internet without human intervention collecting warming up and transforming prospects to reps allday/night.Setting up an automated system as above can either be very difficult or very simple depending on whether or not you have the right information and know-how. There are many so called attraction marketing/funded proposal systems sprouting up all over the internet but be very cautiouse when choosing a system to use. Many of them are not worth it will waste your time and money. If you want a great mlm sales funnel/attraction marketing system that will automate your prospecting, bring in tons of leads and that will have you signing up new reps daily(I have seen 2-5 reps per day signed up with this ) Then I have a great news for you...

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